Saturday 3 November 2007

“Long live the Dalai Lama !”
were the enthusiastic screams of the young Tibetans standing around us as the car of the Dalai Lama passed in front of us and His Holiness blessed us with his familiar wide smile and a sign of his hand.
Today was indeed a very special day here in Dharamsala, the Dalai Lama was returning after his long and very important journey abroad during which he was awarded the US Congressional Gold Medal. For the last three days, the excitement was growing and everybody was preparing for his return.
Thousands of coloured Buddhist flags and Tibetan flags were flying everywhere. Artists even painted harmonious multicolored auspicious symbols on the road that leads to the Dalai Lama’s residence.

I would never have imagined that so many people lived in this small town! Thousands of Tibetans, from the very young to the aged, shopkeepers, civil servants, school children, all the nuns and all the monks were in the street, holding a traditional kata and burning sticks of incense to welcome their beloved spiritual leader.
We could feel the atmosphere full of intense joy and happiness and many of us would have very misty eyes!

Once more, I feel so fortunate to being here and receiving the blessings of such an incredible human being. Just a glance from him was enough to touch the depths of our hearts.