Sunday 10 June 2007

No Sundays in construction!
In India, many things are still “hand made”, even…houses. Placid donkeys carry on their backs the bricks, cement, sand etc., from the main road to the construction site. Workmen, including… women, do the rest: dig a big hole – for the foundations - and separate the stones from the earth. Carvers then shape the stones into almost perfect cubes, with hammer and pick…the workers then use the cubes to build the whole house! Then, stonemasons will cover the walls with cement and carpenters construct the windows, one by one. Not sure whether the houses are earthquake proof…It will take about a year of incredible efforts to build a three storey house…unless they forgot the plumbing. Yes, it happens! The workers work seven days a week, 10 hours a day and are paid 100 Rupees (2 Euros) a day… and there is no such thing as Sundays and holidays!...The donkeys are better off! Hmmmmmmm Perhaps in my next life that may be a better way to go..